US Subrons and the states that comprise them

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  • boomerfunker
    SubCommittee Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 225

    US Subrons and the states that comprise them

    I have to move household soon for a new job and depart my beloved Subron5's area. I thought, "Hey, I'll just introduce myself to the contact point for the Subron that covers the state I'm moving to." Turns out that the information about what state is in what Subron is kinda spotty on the forum, the chapter contact information online, and also in the SCR. (Notwithstanding my beloved Subron5 which is quite clear) Simple question then, is Arkansas currently covered by an existing squadron and whom it be then? While I'm at it I didn't see any of the Subrons taking possession of LA, MS, TN, or NC in that area for that matter. Could be wrong. Not clear.

    As far as "requesting a feature" I'd request that the forum section for each Subron should list all the specific states encompassed in that squadrons area. It wouldn't hurt to do that in the "Local Chapters" section on the main site either.

    Also, as a matter of opinion, there shouldn't be any state without an existing chapter assigned to it even if there isn't any current members there. You don't want newbies getting put off right out of the gate, and you can always split a big chapter into smaller ones later if it gets unwieldy.

  • JWLaRue
    Managing Editor, SubCommittee Report
    • Aug 1994
    • 4281

    Hi Tom,

    The creation and existence of a(ny) given Local Chapter is a bottoms-up process and generally forms around a core nucleus of R/C sub folks. It's not something that can really be organized from the top down. Same with the states currently without an associated Chapter. My *personal* perspective is that we cannot 'dictate' what a Local Chapter covers.

    Looking at the Chapter descriptions on the forum main page, I see that each lists the area that is currently covered by that Chapter. I'm assuming that it's up-to-date as I haven't received any recent requests to update.

    My advice is to post a "want to create a Chapter" and see what kind of response you get.

    -hope this helps,

    Rohr 1.....Los!


    • salmon
      • Jul 2011
      • 2328

      I wanted to think of my response, so I did not hit enter and looked around. I came back and you said it better than I was going to. I am still trying to get SubRon 7 going, but I made it live just in case someone did want to get more info. The important thing is having someone available to contact. As it sits now, we have at least a couple of areas that I have had no contact with for the SubRons already there. Activity is what will build a SubRon. Lack of activity and it goes stagnant.

      I understand where you are coming from, because Nevada (Southern or Northern) did not have anyone. So, I decided to start one. I would recommend you do the same if it is your calling. Your passion, leadership, and knowledge will be an asset wherever you move to (have you thought about Las Vegas, NV? great housing prices, no snow to shovel, and no state income tax, just say'n!)

      If you can cut, drill, saw, hit things and swear a lot, you're well on the way to building a working model sub.


      • eckloss
        • Nov 2003
        • 1196

        There are also cases where uncharted states have multiple unofficial affiliations. I tried, unsuccessfully, to try and form a local group years ago. But I'm ok with that. Being the only active captain I know of in WV, I attend the groups centered around Indy, Rochester, and most often the SubComEast gang. I'm less than five hours from all three, what I consider to be a reasonable distance.


        • boomerfunker
          SubCommittee Member
          • Mar 2003
          • 225

          Thanks for the replies gents,

          I'm with you that the top down approach isn't feasible, I guess I was envisioning more of an "adoption" process originating from an existing subron. And the main forum page you mention is truly the best source to be sure for this information, but I still think it could be spelled out better in the subheads in the specific cases of SUBRONNW , SUBRON4, and SUBRONSW simply for clarity sake.

          And maybe I will see about a new chapter when I get settled. Lotsa water in the area and if Porteous can pull it off in L.A. then surely the merely mortal can do the same in the Arkansas region. Also, once upon a time, didn't the SC publish a member registry with their home states listed or did I imagine that?



          • wlambing
            SubCommittee Member
            • Feb 2003
            • 846


            SUBRON 4 is all of New England. At one time we had about 4 states covered, but now there's only four of us and we're in CT and RI, 3 of us within 20 minutes of each other, the loner being 45 minutes from the other three. But, that's ok and we still think he's an ok joe!



            • scott t
              • Feb 2003
              • 879

              We could probably make Subron5 into "Subron5 and then Some"!


              • mickm
                Junior Member
                • May 2004
                • 102

                Where in Arkansas are you moving? I am about to move to Hot Springs Village Arkansas and am interested in getting to know any and all that are into rc subs myself.


                • boomerfunker
                  SubCommittee Member
                  • Mar 2003
                  • 225

                  Hi Mickm,

                  I'm in Bella Vista, north of Bentonville, a rocks throw from Missouri. We aren't all that far apart. Lots of running water around here and in this state in general. When you get settled give me a buzz, warm weather is coming.


                  • mickm
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2004
                    • 102

                    Hi Tom,
                    Will do.


