Back issues of SCR

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  • marvin harten
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 26

    Back issues of SCR

    How do I find/browse back issues of the SCR?
  • thor
    SubCommittee Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 1465

    Join the SubCommitte by becoming a paid member. This gives you the permissions to download the current issue and all of the back issues. What a bargain!



    • marvin harten
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 26

      Hi Matt- I've been a member since the late 1980's. The question is: what are the steps that I go thru in order to browse the back issues. The last issue that I saw posted was back in December 2015. Thanks.



      • marvin harten
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2003
        • 26

        I've been a paid member since the late 1980's. The questions is: how do I get copies of SCR 104 & 105? What are the steps that I need to follow to go into the back issues library and download the last 2 issues? For some reason that I can not determine, I did not receive any notification that SCR-104 & 105 were available.



        • JWLaRue
          Managing Editor, SubCommittee Report
          • Aug 1994
          • 4281


          It looks like you let your membership (subscription) as of February 16th of this year. The forum sends an e-mail notification prior to the end date to give you some warning. If you didn't see the e-mail it might be that your forum account has an old e-mail address?

          In any case, renewing your membership will allow you to see the download links for issues 104 & 105.

          If you need assistance, please PM or e-mail me and I'll be glad to help.

          Rohr 1.....Los!


          • marvin harten
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2003
            • 26

            Hi Jeff- According to my bank statement, my check #1720, in the sum of $15.00, payable to the Subcommittee, cleared my bank on January 20, 2016. I wrote the check on January 9, 2016 and mailed it to the membership chairman. My bank (Citibank) no longer provides free copies of my canceled checks but I can order a copy if necessary. If I am reading the subscripts properly, I am listed as a Subcommittee member. Please check with the Membership committee and verify that they have a record of my check. My e-mail address is Please use this address to contact me.

            Thanks for your help.



            • thor
              SubCommittee Member
              • Feb 2009
              • 1465

              Jim Butt-Can you help us out here?



              • marvin harten
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2003
                • 26

                Hi Matt- Have you heard anything further? Is there anything I can do or do you need any additional information from me? Also, please outline the steps for the private message system( i.e.: if I want to send a PM to another member, how would I do this?)

                Marin Harten


                • JWLaRue
                  Managing Editor, SubCommittee Report
                  • Aug 1994
                  • 4281

                  Okay....I just e-mailed Jim and he was able to confirm correct payment of your membership dues. I'll make the update to your account right way.

                  If you have any problems accessing the SCRs, please let me know.

                  Rohr 1.....Los!


                  • marvin harten
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 26

                    Jeff- Downloaded both issues.


