YMCA Video

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  • seahorse
    Tim, yes, that is a

    Tim, yes, that is a camera on a stick. Kinda looks like I'm playing minature golf.

    I got the idea from Steve Neil Seeing that we can't go in the pool, this is the only way we can get any underwater shooting done!

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  • Larry Kuntz
    Video from YMCA run on

    Video from YMCA run on 4/13/08. It is also posted on the SubRon8 group.

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  • Larry Kuntz
    Here is another video from

    Here is another video from behind Larry's Akula from the towed camera. Also posted on the SubRon8 group.

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  • bigdave
    Actually I have Steamboy. http://www.subcommittee.com/forum/icon_biggrin.gif

    Actually I have Steamboy. Videographer extraordinaire!!
    He has a camera on an extendable pole. Works cheap too!! Ha!! BD.

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  • tmsmalley
    Cood Dave! Do you have

    Cood Dave! Do you have a camera on a stick?

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  • bigdave
    Here is another short video

    Here is another short video of Don's Boone running at scope depth. Which it can do all day. Just jealous I guess!! BD.

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  • bigdave
    started a topic YMCA Video

    YMCA Video

    Here is a video taken at the last YMCA run of Larry's Akula. BD.
