Member hobby spending

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  • kazzer
    • Oct 2006
    • 324

    Current membership sits at 600


    Current membership sits at 600
    Aha! It's you eh? You're the new Membership Chairman.

    Well come on then young man, get to work and tidy up the figures. The web page says we have 1177 registered users.


    • Rogue Sub
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2006
      • 1724

      Ah ha old one! I

      Ah ha old one! I am not allowed to touch the Forum.. They got the email though


      • raalst
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2003
        • 1228

        We have 1177 people using

        We have 1177 people using up bandwidth in this forum, and about 600 people paying for that (and for a very nice magazine), yes.

        both numbers are correct.


        • #19
          Does the membership list exist

          Does the membership list exist in electronic form?

          I'd appreciate a copy if it does.

          I'm still of the belief that electronic distribution is the way forward for the Sub Committee report.

          It could be my imagination, but the international membership seems to have diminished in recent years.


          • kazzer
            • Oct 2006
            • 324

            We have 1177 people using

            We have 1177 people using up bandwidth in this forum, and about 600 people paying for that (and for a very nice magazine), yes.

            both numbers are correct.
            And there is the problem. Only 600 people coughing up for a quality gloss print which supposedly retails at $15 per quarterly edition. The subscriptions leave a big hole in the budget methinks.

            I think the $15 cost is way too much money and is probably off-putting to potential new members, therefore circulation is way down.

            If the product were on the news stand for about $5-6 then I think the SC would sell several thousand each edition. With stats like that, it must be more appealing to vendors wanting to advertise.

            Subculture suggests an electronic version being the ideal. I would agree that most paid-up members should receive the mag that way, but that still does not reach the average Joe who's never seen this hobby before. So I would do both, sell the magazine on the news-stands and save money by emailing members the electronic version.

            BTW The last issue (June 2009) had an awful photo on it, grainy, out of focus, lacking color and generally very un-interesting. Pics like that won't sell it. Sorry.


            • Rogue Sub
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2006
              • 1724

              OMG Have you seen the

              OMG Have you seen the caswell catalog not a single pretty picture

              Yes the membership list exists in digital form and is then printed for the yearly address book.

              As for electronic distribution of the SCR. That is being looked at. Actually my copy of the the last SCR is a digital copy. Even has a very snappy label printed right on the disk. Cool stuff. Now if you could piggy back a cd version of one of our better issues with a well distributed magazine...sha zam! A bit like when a game magazine includes a free game demo. No idea what that would cost us though. Not sure another magazine would want to advertise another magazine as well.

              Perhaps we could put together a special edition SCR aimed at new talent that would only ever see digital production. You could then smear it all over the web as a free trail download and such. We would only be out the time it took to make the thing and no actual money.
              It would have to be filled with "the good stuff" and some great how 2 articles. Perhaps some 2 part articles where you get the other half when you get on board as your welcome aboard package.

              Food for thought.


              • kazzer
                • Oct 2006
                • 324

                OMG Have you seen the

                OMG Have you seen the caswell catalog not a single pretty picture
                It's a capital C! And anyway, we're not putting it on a news stand. It's a whole different marketing thing, so get back to deck swabbing!

                Perhaps we could put together a special edition SCR aimed at new talent that would only ever see digital production. You could then smear it all over the web as a free trail download and such. We would only be out the time it took to make the thing and no actual money.
                Food for thought.
                Now this is an idea. But why not put together a special book, maybe bigger then the normal one, but with a bunch of the really good articles from the past?
                There is plenty of material in back issues.


                • Rogue Sub
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2006
                  • 1724

                  Yup you dont even have

                  Yup you dont even have to write new material. There are lots of good articles out there.

                  I do know we currently have one of our older issues available for download on the site but who knows about it? Anyone? I like the idea of a more specialized issue.

                  Oh and I dont swab decks anymore Mike. Unless I am using a nub to do it. I am to high a rank for that. Now taking out the garbage and shredding confidential material... Nothing but pro.


                  • kazzer
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 324


                    Oh and I dont swab

                    Oh and I dont swab decks anymore Mike. Unless I am using a nub to do it. I am to high a rank for that. Now taking out the garbage and shredding confidential material... Nothing but pro.
                    Well, you are doing better than Merriman did. Seems he was always in trouble and relegated to scraping bird poop off the sail. I'd love to have seen that!


                    • Rogue Sub
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2006
                      • 1724

                      Well he was a knuckle

                      Well he was a knuckle draggin torpedoman and wasnt good for much else was he. Not to mention he had a habit of punching his superiors....

                      Now back to the subject at hand.

                      I want to make this special issue of the SCR a reality. I would also like to have it include alot of vendor links and website links so guys can find the product to get started. If you are interested in contributing new material let me know. I will be starting a new thread for this topic.


                      • southern or
                        Junior Member
                        • May 2014
                        • 484

                        Re: Member hobby spending

                        Wow, my Typhoon put me in the high end.


                        • submetrologist
                          SubCommittee Member
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 27

                          Talking about hobby spending. My new Engel Gato kit with retractable front dive planes is on its way.

