SubRonLA Fun Run postponed again

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  • jefftytoo
    SubCommittee Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 929

    SubRonLA Fun Run postponed again

    Okay, sorry guys, but it’s raining all day with a high likelihood of more tomorrow. Maybe not 100% like the last time we cancelled, but I’m calling off our official run anyway. The boats may enjoy getting wet, but as a rule the skippers don’t: it’s no fun prepping and packing and driving a long way only to suddenly have to pack up and go home again. (Especially for our brand new member, Howard, who’d be joining us from Burbank: it’d be nice to give him a welcome aboard with our usual good weather.) Should any of you want to risk running tomorrow anyway, more power to you—I hope you have great fun. But personally, I’m giving it a pass.

    I’m now setting our NEXT OFFICIAL RUN for Saturday, MARCH 25…and hoping by then the “atmospheric rivers” will be done with us for awhile.

    Green Board,
  • jefftytoo
    SubCommittee Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 929

    Squadron mates,

    Today’s run was something of a mixed bag: murky water from recent rain runoff; temps so cold boat trims were severely affected, preventing safe dives; plenty of marine growth to foul props; even Will’s usually flawless boat exhibiting mysterious problems (later found to be a loose radio antenna)—but at least no boats were lost!

    A quick agreement was just made for our next full squadron run to take place on April 29th—so mark those calendars. Also, more runs are likely in May and/or June (dates TBA). Finally, those who aren’t mid-summer traveling, please also plan to join us on July 15: currently the local chapter of the USSVI national submarine veterans organization is planning a picnic in our park that day, and it would be fun to put on an r/c sub demonstration for them.

    More later as further dates develop,

