629 Golf class

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  • tom dougherty
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2005
    • 1358

    629 Golf class

    I will add what I have. Wayne, please add anything you find in Russia.

    Project 629 (Golf I) and 629A (Golf II) were diesel powered missile submarines (SSB). Powered by three diesel engines turning 3 shafts (port, starboard, & centerline). 3, 600 tons submerged, top submerged speed of 12.5 kts and diving test depth of 300 meters. The original 629 boats had 3 R-13 liquid fuel missiles of 350 nm range. Launched from surface by D-2 launch system, which elevated missile out of the tubes in the sail. Later converted to 3 R-21 missiles of 750 nm range and D-4 launch system, which permitted submerged launches.

    Schematic diagrams


    Golf I R-13 missile launch
  • sam reichart
    Past President
    • Feb 2003
    • 1311

    God, that boat is sooo

    God, that boat is sooo ugly... I always wanted to build one!!! half foxtrot, half type XXI.. it's so ugly, but it sure would be an unusual model, and probably very few others like it...

    Nice photos, Tom.


    • landlubber
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 60

      If the theory of Red

      If the theory of Red Star Rogue is correct this is the boat that almost touched off the destruction of the rock we live on.. Interesting read to say the least but I,m not sure if we will ever know the whole story. They did alot of cutting and welding to get those 3 missles to fit inside, notice how the keel has been dropped to gain height.
      Regards Kent


      • tom dougherty
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2005
        • 1358

        but I,m not sure if

        but I,m not sure if we will ever know the whole story.
        Red Star Rogue is almost total fiction!!

        Working with a documentary maker out of Austria.
        Be patient. Look here]http://www.projectjennifer.at/[/url]

        Wait. Be patient. Much more to come.


        • tom dougherty
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2005
          • 1358

          More Golf material

          Here are some additional photos of the Golf class. Crew on deck aft of sail for Naval Review:

          Golf II class SSB

          [b]At sea and some color photos]


          • wayne frey
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2003
            • 925




            • tom dougherty
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2005
              • 1358

              More Golf photos:

              Golf I launcher

              More Golf photos:

              Golf I launcher on sail. Extended arms held missile in place until launch. Lauch pad support ring is visible.
              Golf I D-2 launch system required surface launch

              Golf II leaving port

              Golf submarines in port

              Sail of Golf II as it sits rusting away

              Golf interior layout


              • gerwalk
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 525

                thanks for these christmas gifts!

                thanks for these christmas gifts! Now, what we need is a Zvezda 1/350 model of a Golf....


                • tom dougherty
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 1358

                  Hi Pablo!
                  You are quite welcome,

                  Hi Pablo!
                  You are quite welcome, my friend! Hope you are enjoying warm weather; I've now moved to Massachusetts (Ayer), and we have about 16 inches of snow and it's about -8 Celsius.

                  I've added one more to the above.

                  I would agree that we could use an accurate model of the Golf submarine. Neither the old Aurora polystyrene kit or the later Seawolf/Torpedo resin kit came close to the real thing!



                  • gerwalk
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 525

                    Hi Pablo!
                    You are quite welcome,

                    Hi Pablo!
                    You are quite welcome, my friend! Hope you are enjoying warm weather; I've now moved to Massachusetts (Ayer), and we have about 16 inches of snow and it's about -8 Celsius.

                    I've added one more to the above.

                    I would agree that we could use an accurate model of the Golf submarine. Neither the old Aurora polystyrene kit or the later Seawolf/Torpedo resin kit came close to the real thing!

                    Hi Tom,
                    I'm sorry about Mass winter... I suffered it during 2005. I was plannig to go over there with my girl this February for a meeting but we decided to change our tickets to Recife, Brazil and forget about meetings in freezing Boston, go figure!
                    Quoting Bee Gees:
                    "Talk about the life in massachusetts,
                    Speak about the people I have seen,
                    And the lights all went out in massachusetts
                    And massachusetts is one place I have seen.
                    I will remember massachusetts..."

                    Back to the Golf: nice diagram! As for a plastic model I think it should be the next Zvezda model in their "russian submarine disasters" series (they made the Kursk, K-19 and K-3... I can see a trend or someone in Zvezda has very dark humour)

